How Blue Bottle Love came to be

Water has so much to share with us as it is a highly evolved species holding billions of years of planetary history within its molecular structure. 
We invite you to expand your consciousness, and tap into the frequency of water everyday by honouring water through prayer and positive intentions.
Blue Bottle Love is a true blue ally in helping to raise the collective consciousness towards water and all of life.
Water thanks you for your conscientious attention, and will reflect back and remember all that you are!



Blue Bottle Love believes in the fact that everything is frequency and vibration. In the words of Nikola Tesla, “If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” Yes! Everything is vibration . . . and water is the master listener!
With the power to effect change with our thoughts and intentions, we can affect our own vibration, as well our water’s vibration, as water is receptive and receives the imprint of our thoughts and intentions. Our gratitude for water should be our number one concern for without it, we are nothing!



We recognize that clean happy water is a holographic reflection of a clear, happy radiant consciousness at both an individual and collective level.  
Each bottle at Blue Bottle Love is intentionally designed to return the water you drink to Zero Point, clearing the water of all discordant energies, then reprogramming it with positive healing and soul expanding frequencies!
Water is Everywhere! Water is in the air we breath. It is in every cell of your body, even our DNA is held together by water! Every drop, every particle of water is quantumly entangled, connected — ONE — with every other molecule of water, including the water inside you and me.
This fact, as proven by the science of quantum physics, gives us real tangible evidence and power to Ghandi’s famous quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Every time you fill your Blue Bottle with water you are adding another drop of healing Love and Compassion into the infinite Ocean of Life, spreading waves of Healing and Transformation through the emotional body and collective consciousness of the planet and All Life everywhere!



The synergy of blue glass and sunlight clears the undesirable frequencies  created by the  unconscientious actions of humans that water has been forced to reflect and remember
Humans MUST STOP using plastic to imprison water, and this nice thick blue glass is the ideal home for water transporting, for it is the primordial color for water! Water is in it’s happy place inside of Blue Bottle Love! We want to eliminate the use of single use plastic bottles as well as heal the consciousness of water.
